MTL rig & juice


Noob Vaper
Any advice welcome. I have been vaping MTL for years with various mods and Aspire tanks. Always bought Licqua traditional tobacco 50/50 juice 12/18mg and only vape at 9 watts with Aspire 1,6ohm BVC coils. I like a tight draw. Coils would last 2-4 weeks.
Licqua has become so pricey that I have tried some local juices but can't get a coil to last longer than a few days even with a 50/50 juice.
Any recommendations on a decent MTL juice which doesn't break the bank or coils? Flavour is not that important.
It's also harder to find coils so are there any alternate easy systems which suite MTL? Would consider pod systems but I seem to flatten a 4000 mah battery in a day and go thru a lot of juice so it would need to be heavy duty.
Hey Tiffer, I was reading your post and thought about the fact that a Rebuildable might fix most if not all of the problems. I recently went through the same problems in regard to coils being harder to find and juices completely killing coils, If you don't want to go rebuildable I'll recommend a Innokin Tank the Z coils seem to hold up quite well vs some of the other options out there but if you're willing to rewick every Sunday and swop to a new coil every month or so I find the best budget RTA is the Alberich 2 I recently got one and they are pretty good for the price (aslo nocks the socks off my Zlide). I think they might be on special at some spots so that might be a consideration. Unfortunately I only got back to non pod devices a month or two ago so I wouldn't be able to suggest any juices as I haven't really tried much but I'm sure someone else could help on that front.
I am using a VApresso Eco Nano for my MTL fix. but I am on a fruity flavour so the pod lasting a long is nothing too strong. I go though about 3 bottles of juice per pod. battery life is very good and tank size also makes it a good option. battery lasts me about a week (its not my main vape) and I fill the tank every time I need to recharge.

in terms of juice have you tried making your own? though tabacco based flavours are not easy to make.
Thanks Arno it's something to consider. The Eco Nano could work in the interim but what watts does it vape at per coil? Maybe the Luxe XR Max with MTL pod and coil as you can adjust the watts? Will look into the juice making.