
This weekend I been playing with my new toy.. I couldn't put it down actually so all other gear have been neglected...

Sigelei 100watt box
Running at 75 watts
0.3ohm coil
Dark horse atty
Dual coil 24 gauge



This weekend I been playing with my new toy.. I couldn't put it down actually so all other gear have been neglected...

Sigelei 100watt box
Running at 75 watts
0.3ohm coil
Dark horse atty
Dual coil 24 gauge

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Nice, that Dark Horse and Sigelei look made for one another...both black with silver highlights. That's a very good looking setup, and it seems to work as good as it looks :D
Nice, that Dark Horse and Sigelei look made for one another...both black with silver highlights. That's a very good looking setup, and it seems to work as good as it looks :D
It's awesome. I never thought I'd hit 75 watts but the vape is so darn smooth. Loving it
Fantastic man!!

Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on your current setup as its also one of my fav!!
Thanks @paulph201 and I will most. Certainly give a better update on my findings. For now all I can say is that this combo rocks
It's awesome. I never thought I'd hit 75 watts but the vape is so darn smooth. Loving it
You're moving closer and closer towards me bru

Finally! A thread that really supports us "nut jobs" out there. The quest for more power is real. It's amazing. It's the best Vape you'll ever have :) I've had my 100w devices for just over 3months now I think, and I think it's time for me to go higher up....but the wallet does not allow it. So, I decided to build a box :) @eviltoy is currently busy with my box. He is a true Mad Man when it comes to these things. One thing I can say is that this box will be the One To Rule Them All. (In all honesty there is no such Vape but I best make myself believe it). Stay tuned RegTown, I'll be back soon.
You're moving closer and closer towards me bru

Finally! A thread that really supports us "nut jobs" out there. The quest for more power is real. It's amazing. It's the best Vape you'll ever have :) I've had my 100w devices for just over 3months now I think, and I think it's time for me to go higher up....but the wallet does not allow it. So, I decided to build a box :) @eviltoy is currently busy with my box. He is a true Mad Man when it comes to these things. One thing I can say is that this box will be the One To Rule Them All. (In all honesty there is no such Vape but I best make myself believe it). Stay tuned RegTown, I'll be back soon.

Awsome stuff man~

It would be great if you can have a look at the above topics and give us some of your feedback bro :p
You're moving closer and closer towards me bru

Finally! A thread that really supports us "nut jobs" out there. The quest for more power is real. It's amazing. It's the best Vape you'll ever have :) I've had my 100w devices for just over 3months now I think, and I think it's time for me to go higher up....but the wallet does not allow it. So, I decided to build a box :) @eviltoy is currently busy with my box. He is a true Mad Man when it comes to these things. One thing I can say is that this box will be the One To Rule Them All. (In all honesty there is no such Vape but I best make myself believe it). Stay tuned RegTown, I'll be back soon.

You keep pushing and nudging @Yusuf Cape Vaper so it's your fault I'm vaping this high up in the watts. Next I'll stick a 0.2 ohm build on the 75watts and see how my lungs like that
Oh one more thing. More of a little warning.. With this setup I find myself vaping alot less. Reason is I can feel the silver coming on alot faster. So once u think u feel a silver coming on. Stop cos you may already have gone too far
I'm joining this group later this week with a Sigelei 100 Plus but not for the power but rather the battery life and the no overhang story and the fact that I have to have a Sigelei 100W to go with my other Sigelei's... ;-)
I'm joining this group later this week with a Sigelei 100 Plus but not for the power but rather the battery life and the no overhang story and the fact that I have to have a Sigelei 100W to go with my other Sigelei's... ;-)
I suggest you try and push it one day :) build a nice low ohm cool in a Big RDA and push 70w. You might just like it Mr Fisher ;)
Okay so it's by time I speak about my feelings towards these high powered devices. I've only been completely into dripping for the last 4-5months, so before that I was using devices under 20w. One day I just decided to go balls out and started dripping at 0.4ohms and less (currently on 0.15 adv). From there on I could not, and still can not, Vape anything else. I have the constant urge for extreme amounts of vapor to overpower my lungs. I then decided to have a go at Reoville, which wasn't for me because of a few other factors. After that I decided that look, I can't drip all day. I have campus and I need a vape that will knock my lungs out, but not compete with clouds in the sky. So I went for the sigelei 100w with an atlantis. This combo used less than half the power capabilities as I stayed at 40-45w. This is where I started dripping on the 100w device as a daily driver. I had no worries about battery sag, I needn't worry about misfiring or accidentally firing, and I could tame it down if need be. However, I found myself Vaping between 85-95w all the time. The trick to vaping at these high wattages is, as mentioned before, all in the wire/coil. You need a low resistance coil. So between 0.2-0.5 and you'll be happy. Another thing is you need lower gauge wire. So 20-24g is what you need. 26g and up feels as if it'll burn up in a second. Lastly, a very important factor which gets overlooked all the time; USE HIGHER VG JUICE, WITH AT LEAST 3mg LESS NICOTINE THAN YOUR USUAL INTAKE. That is very important. If somebody here loves vaping 16-24mg, I invite you to come drip it on my device and have a root :) you'll be surprised. My nicotine levels have dropped, and I cape much less. I've been awake since 7am and still haven't had a Vape :) I usually start vaping around 1pm, just because I don't need it that much anymore.

*these are my impressions and may not be the same for everyone else*
I thought i would post some pics here of some of my high powered device i received recently:




Cool will do. I have everything except the chips. I should be able to source it easily though
@eviltoy here's a forum with 11+ pages on constructing regarding the Naos Raptor power modules and attached a datasheet on same.

PS. Chips are readily available locally at your nearest cafe as well as closest convenience store.


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