Song Of The Day

After finding out my neighbour's dogs were poisoned last night I'm in the mood :

My wife and I are both UK citizens, and it’s because of what you mentioned and a myriad of other f**ked up s**t that happens here every day and with more frequency that despite our absolute love for S.A. we consider emigration more seriously with every passing day. So very sad.

P.s. my “dislike” was simply based on what you said had happened. Not on Slayer, that was a good call.
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So I had this album for just under 12 years, and only today I discovered the hidden track. These guys need to release something soon again.

Who? I cannot see a name.

Ah, it Tool.

Their last album from 12 years ago had 3 songs on. To me it sounded like som space filler songs just to fill up a CD. But last night I discovered that if these 3 songs are played together it makes the hidden track.
Ah, it Tool.

Their last album from 12 years ago had 3 songs on. To me it sounded like som space filler songs just to fill up a CD. But last night I discovered that if these 3 songs are played together it makes the hidden track.
What!?!!! thats awesome man!! Ive been listening to them for years and never knew this!!
One of my favoriteswas listening to Yesterday
Ah, it Tool.

Their last album from 12 years ago had 3 songs on. To me it sounded like som space filler songs just to fill up a CD. But last night I discovered that if these 3 songs are played together it makes the hidden track.

@Adephi @Dietz I'm also a huge Tool fan

do you guys like any of Maynard's other stuff ?
a perfect circle and puscifer ?