
Elite Vaper
Istanbul, Turkey
Hey guys,

We will be travelling to Germany and surrounding countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Austria) next month.

I would need to stock up on some juice before then, or would I? Are the vape shops plentiful or should I take as much as I can from here?

Any help would be appreciated.
I would recommend you take from here. Much cheaper and in some countries they sell only 10ml juice. I have been in a few vape shops in Germany and personally I think we are light-years ahead.
Can't really comment on the above mentioned countries, but I did find that in Athens the price of E-Liquid is quite high..

Not too sure if the same approach is carried out throughout the other European countries..

I did let one of the staff at a vape stand in Athens try Icy Cola from Ace of Vapes (@Mida Khan), and they were blown away!
In Belgium you will only find juices without nicotine (it the law there) and not that many shops. As far as I know the Netherlands and Germany should not be a problem - try a Google search for the place(s) you will be visiting.

@Tom and @tool are from Germany and might be able to assist better.
I would like to help, but I know nothing about pre made juices... Depending on where you go, watch out for Intaste Stores, they are the better ones. As Drikusw said, juicewise other Countrys are light-years ahead.

Here's a list:
Thanks for the great help guys! I guess I'll take most of what we need from here and buy one or two to try there.

Again, thanks for the great feedback - you guys rock! :campeon:
I would like to help, but I know nothing about pre made juices... Depending on where you go, watch out for Intaste Stores, they are the better ones. As Drikusw said, juicewise other Countrys are light-years ahead.

Here's a list:
Yes, I agree with Intaste being a top shop, however, there are a few other good ones around. There should be a decent store in every larger city. For Germany, at least. lookout for Dolcefumo and teufelswerk as well, they are well stocked up. We have a Teufelswerk store even in our small town.
Belgium and Netherlands is more difficult. In the latter there are more "coffee shops" then vape shops :D Btw, I live at the border to the Netherlands...

Now for the "dilemma" with 10ml rations... this is not reality. Nowadays you get the 120ml bottles that are filled with 100ml overdosed juice. You have to fill it up with "nicotine shots" to your liking. Those shots you buy at the same vape-shop. Prices for 100/120ml bottles of good juice (!) is around 20-25€, plus shots (dont know the price for that....I use my own nic bunker base)
The following liquid is atm quite a seller:
I can highly recommend that, it is the flavour of the most famous cake slice in Germany, the "Bienenstich" ("Bee Sting").

If you run out of juice.... never an issue in Germany. Postal services work like a charm here. Intaste can deliver next day, if ordered in the morning.
Yes, I agree with Intaste being a top shop, however, there are a few other good ones around. There should be a decent store in every larger city. For Germany, at least. lookout for Dolcefumo and teufelswerk as well, they are well stocked up. We have a Teufelswerk store even in our small town.
Belgium and Netherlands is more difficult. In the latter there are more "coffee shops" then vape shops :D Btw, I live at the border to the Netherlands...

Now for the "dilemma" with 10ml rations... this is not reality. Nowadays you get the 120ml bottles that are filled with 100ml overdosed juice. You have to fill it up with "nicotine shots" to your liking. Those shots you buy at the same vape-shop. Prices for 100/120ml bottles of good juice (!) is around 20-25€, plus shots (dont know the price for that....I use my own nic bunker base)
The following liquid is atm quite a seller:
I can highly recommend that, it is the flavour of the most famous cake slice in Germany, the "Bienenstich" ("Bee Sting").

If you run out of juice.... never an issue in Germany. Postal services work like a charm here. Intaste can deliver next day, if ordered in the morning.

This reply changes my mind... :wondering:
This reply changes my mind... :wondering:
in what regard?

I have been travelling all over the world, my suggestion would be to take your favourite juices from SA, enough for the whole trip. Then check for vape shops and bring back some juices that you can get only with difficulty
in what regard?

I have been travelling all over the world, my suggestion would be to take your favourite juices from SA, enough for the whole trip. Then check for vape shops and bring back some juices that you can get only with difficulty

Sounds like a good idea. Thanks.

@Silver I will do, we are off to the German MotoGP!
I asked my daughter and husband to bring me some juice from Germany. They only had 2-3 days there and found very little. When they managed to find Vape shops, assistants were less than helpful when - because of the language barrier - they had difficulty communicating.. They came back to SA saying vaping is WAY better and bigger here. In Germany and Italy, by comparison, there were much fewer vapers but many, many smokers.
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Hey @ace_d_house_cat ,

You will be absolutely fine in Germany. I secind what @Tom said, look out for the Intaste and Dolcefumo stores. They are scattered throughout the country. I also disagree with what was said above regarding the language barrier. There will always be someone willing to help, even with some broken English. You may get some less-than-friendly people, but they are the minority.

Also, if you can don't go for the 10ml juices. It is expensive and you will get much farther with the top-up ones.

Do you know exactly where in Germany you will be?
Thanks for the great help guys! I guess I'll take most of what we need from here and buy one or two to try there.

Again, thanks for the great feedback - you guys rock! :campeon:

@Rob Fisher was in Germany recently, though I'm sure that he carried his own stock with him. Nevertheless, he posted about his experiences here

Perhaps you could do the same when you return?
I asked my daughter and husband to bring me some juice from Germany. They only had 2-3 days there and found very little. When they managed to find Vape shops, assistants were less than helpful when - because of the language barrier - they had difficulty communicating.. They came back to SA saying vaping is WAY better and bigger here. In Germany and Italy, by comparison, there were much fewer vapers but many, many smokers.
In 2 or 3 days it is difficult anywhere in the world. Also for a german tourist coming to SA

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Hey @ace_d_house_cat ,

You will be absolutely fine in Germany. I secind what @Tom said, look out for the Intaste and Dolcefumo stores. They are scattered throughout the country. I also disagree with what was said above regarding the language barrier. There will always be someone willing to help, even with some broken English. You may get some less-than-friendly people, but they are the minority.

Also, if you can don't go for the 10ml juices. It is expensive and you will get much farther with the top-up ones.

Do you know exactly where in Germany you will be?

Thanks for that, I think I'll take a few juices from this side and wing it when I get there. I hear ze Germans are a friendly bunch so I don't think I'd have any issues there. I've been checking a few German vape sites and they're punting quite a bit of 60 and 100ml juices...

The trip is as follows: Munich - Brussels - Amsterdam - Leipzig - Chemnitz - Vienna - Munich
The trip is as follows: Munich - Brussels - Amsterdam - Leipzig - Chemnitz - Vienna - Munich

That is useful info, now I can help you better:

A great vape shop in Vienna is City Vape

In Munich there is a Intaste store:

If you are interested in High-End, there is an outlet of the Taifun manufacturer in Leipzig:

Finally in Chemnitz and Leipzig:

I think that should get you busy on your trip ;)
That is useful info, now I can help you better:

A great vape shop in Vienna is City Vape

In Munich there is a Intaste store:ünchen&oq=intaste+münchen&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30k1.159164.164703.0.166967.

If you are interested in High-End, there is an outlet of the Taifun manufacturer in Leipzig:

Finally in Chemnitz and Leipzig:

I think that should get you busy on your trip ;)

Wow, what a great help this will be, thanks for taking the time!