Waffling Reviews


Vapin' up a Storm
Last night I watched a You Tube review on an e-liquid. It took the reviewer 6.12 minutes before he even smelled the juice, never mind vaped it!! :mad:

Although I'm posting this under E-liquid reviews, I've often found that You Tube reviews for mods are also an endless waffle. No, I don't need to know that you had a late night and that's why you're bleary-eyed. No, I don't need to know what the weather's like in your part of the world.

Not only on You Tube, but written reviews e.g. "On opening the box I saw ..." Does it matter what the reviewer SAW in the box? Is not the mod or the flavour of the juice the important issue?

Come on, get to the point!

End of rant 'n rave.
Last night I watched a You Tube review on an e-liquid. It took the reviewer 6.12 minutes before he even smelled the juice, never mind vaped it!! :mad:

Although I'm posting this under E-liquid reviews, I've often found that You Tube reviews for mods are also an endless waffle. No, I don't need to know that you had a late night and that's why you're bleary-eyed. No, I don't need to know what the weather's like in your part of the world.

Not only on You Tube, but written reviews e.g. "On opening the box I saw ..." Does it matter what the reviewer SAW in the box? Is not the mod or the flavour of the juice the important issue?

Come on, get to the point!

End of rant 'n rave.
May I add to this rant?

There are one or two or more out there that miss the point completely. A review should not be presented as a theatrical production, the reviewer is not an actor and please oh please do not turn on a fake accent. And if you do, skip the makeup, seriously it gets a bit much.

I watch reviews to obtain information on a product. Give the facts, skip the ego. Thanks.

Reviews with poor sound, bumpy video and gloomy lighting. Even reviews where ‘reviewers’ can’t even get the name of a device they’re reviewing correct.

I mean what sort of respect does a person have for their audience if they are trying to get views, yet can’t even get the basics of a video right?

That’s a huge NO from me.

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If you don't like a reviewer, don't watch his videos, simple as that. Just move on and forget about it but if you enjoyed the video, give it a like and subscribe. The fact that you're posting here complaining about absolutely nothing sounds very, very salty to me.

And until you have tried and had/have your own YouTube channel I think you should give reviewers well deserved respect for the amount of work that goes into recording and editing a video. It is not an easy job @Rob Fisher and any of the reviewers in the Reviewers forum can tell you that.

LOL what? So people should only talk when they want to caress the fragile ego of someone and not criticize them? There is literally a "dislike" button on YouTube. People "deserving" respect for trying something is one thing (and even then it's dubious), but if you are putting yourself in a role that opens you up to public opinion and the public feel that you are missing the mark tough titties, that's the very nature of the beast.

The fact that you're a youtube reviewer leaves you as the only one looking salty here son.
LOL what? So people should only talk when they want to caress the fragile ego of someone and not criticize them? There is literally a "dislike" button on YouTube. People "deserving" respect for trying something is one thing (and even then it's dubious), but if you are putting yourself in a role that opens you up to public opinion and the public feel that you are missing the mark tough titties, that's the very nature of the beast.

The fact that you're a youtube reviewer leaves you as the only one looking salty here son.

@Feliks Karp I agree wholeheartedly. Last night @contrid sent me a FB message in which he berated me for "bashing" him in a FB comment (I'd said more or less what I said above about waffling reviews). As I replied, "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen." @contrid I have since unsubscribed from your You Tube videos.
Hi @Hooked
I hope you dont mind but we moved this thread to the General section
We want to keep that E Liquid Reviews forum just containing threads with actual reviews.

But this is a good thread and worthy of discussion
I watched the particular review now - wow.. 6 mins of talking about nothing interesting - longest review ever - uploader, if you are reading this, please if you could just shorten your videos, cause you will lose viewers if you go on like this.
Who can deny the entertainment value of speedball RIP Trippers, or the goofy Indoor Smokers. Forums have better real world info on product.
15sec skip ahead button .... really comes in handy

Couldn't have said it better .... there will always be haters ... haterz be hating that's why I try and keep my videos to under 10 minutes ....BUT kudos to @Hooked for stepping up and actually explaining why she didn't like the review. But don't bash @contrid cause he waffled a bit in a video ???!!! Ok given what transpired after could have been handled better .... on both sides I think :)

Personally the reason I started my channel was literally so I could talk kak keep it casual and add some local flavor , and the occasional review in between. Too many "let's dive down " and apologetic reviewers out there , keep it real yet humorous is my motto ....

At the end of the day most people watch your channel because of YOU and you are the brand , not what you review so much. Sadly you are not necessarily everyone's cup of tea which is fine as well .... each one to his own and did I mention there will always be haterz :p

But if there's one lesson to learn from this @contrid is don't let it get to you , grow some thicker skin you will always have people that don't like your revews/videos/vlogs whatever but it's how you react that makes the difference and most importantly listen and learn from your 'mistakes' or advise given .....
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Couldn't have said it better .... there will always be haters ... haterz be hating that's why I try and keep my videos to under 10 minutes ....

Personally the reason I started my channel was literally so I could talk kak keep it casual and add some local flavor , and the occasional review in between. If you don't like my channel fine don't subscribe. But don't subscribe and then bash a person for one not so great or boring review .... if you can do a better job then do your own channel ;) ....

At the end of the day most people watch your channel because of YOU , not what you review so much. Sadly you are not necessarily everyone's cup of tea which is fine as well .... each one to his own.

But don't bash @contrid cause he waffled a bit in a video ???!!! Ok given what transpired after could have been handled better .... but hey ...

I didn't mean to bash, more ask him to shorten his "waffling" , as he can do well with reviews and I enjoy watching local reviews - so if he listens to the constructive crit he will still get my view and a few others.

Bashing won't help anyway, and its not needed like you said yeah.

I appreciate our local reviewers, thanks @contrid @Daniel @KZOR @Rob Fisher :) and all others I missed.
I didn't mean to bash, more ask him to shorten his "waffling" , as he can do well with reviews and I enjoy watching local reviews - so if he listens to the constructive crit he will still get my view and a few others.

Bashing won't help anyway, and its not needed like you said yeah.

I appreciate our local reviewers, thanks @contrid @Daniel @KZOR @Rob Fisher :) and all others I missed.

100% spot on there , personally I like the criticism but not just trolling ... actual constructive criticism like I tried a new format in my initial RSQ review and @Silver pointed out that the intro was too long with no real information so going forward no trying to do all this B-Roll (yes it's a thing look it up :) ). I also upgraded my sound with a better mic and also a better clip on wide angle lens for my Iphone (yup I shoot everything on my phone for now). To me it's a hobby and I like making videos , and if I can bring a smile to someone's face I'm happy ....
if you can do a better job then do your own channel

So I should open my own restaurant if I get bad service? So if I enjoyed the services provided by MTN for several years I should not move to Vodacom if they offer me a better deal or if MTN starts to decline?

This is called Ad hominem, rebutting by not addressing the meat of the argument.

This truly is the golden age of the special snowflake. I get that as some one creating stuff you feel as though it's your little unique child and you take a lot of effort in to creating it ,it feels like you are being brave by putting it out in to the world and you expect some kind of applause for it, I'm a creative by profession so I get it, but you have to realise at some point that by doing so someone will voice their opinion and tell you it's shit. It may just be their view and it may well be true, but you have to toughen up.

You can't always expect positive reinforcement, participation trophies only lead you to having a warped sense of yourself.

The op's post didn't even single him out untill he took it personally, and in fact the criticism was pretty damn tame in the broader sense. End of the day, expose yourself publicly by all means but don't cry when someone laughs at your winky.
So I should open my own restaurant if I get bad service? So if I enjoyed the services provided by MTN for several years I should not move to Vodacom if they offer me a better deal or if MTN starts to decline?

This is called Ad hominem, rebutting by not addressing the meat of the argument.

This truly is the golden age of the special snowflake. I get that as some one creating stuff you feel as though it's your little unique child and you take a lot of effort in to creating it ,it feels like you are being brave by putting it out in to the world and you expect some kind of applause for it, I'm a creative by profession so I get it, but you have to realise at some point that by doing so someone will voice their opinion and tell you it's shit. It may just be their view and it may well be true, but you have to toughen up.

You can't always expect positive reinforcement, participation trophies only lead you to having a warped sense of yourself.

The op's post didn't even single him out untill he took it personally, and in fact the criticism was pretty damn tame in the broader sense. End of the day, expose yourself publicly by all means but don't cry when someone laughs at your winky.

HEY , "hy's klein , hy's myne en ek sal hom so vinnig was as wat ek wil! OK!" :p

Lot's of big words used that I don't understand so OK , but hence I said one should grow a thicker skin and LEARN from criticism. But also you get people that comment or whatever just to sound clever or teach someone a "lesson'. get off your high horse , I'm not in grade school , you not my dad so whoever wants to do that can ***** .... obviously not aimed at anyone here :p
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I will take the feedback as constructive criticism and improve my videos based on that, thank you everyone.

The reason why I posted was because I tried to "defend" reviewers simply because of the amount of work that goes into it. We already had a short discussion on Facebook and my initial reaction was "Thank you for the feedback I appreciate it" so I didn't see the purpose of posting the same thing on ECIGSSA again. I can see now that the post is to open up a discussion as you guys are having here now which is fine. I will learn from my mistakes, sorry if I offended anyone.

The purpose of my vape reviews is to grow the vaping community, provide useful information, expose vapers to new products and be and advocate for vaping. I don't do it for free products or for money. The larger the following the better but that is not the main focus. I feel that I have good knowledge that I can share with someone who may be new to vaping or cast my opinion on a vaping related topic.

I love the vaping community as well as all vaping related things in general. I want to see it flourish and I want to see vapers motivate one another. Whether it is to do reviews, to quit smoking, to try new products or get involved with legislation. Positivity goes a long way in all areas though criticism is also very important. The only way we grow in different areas is through trials, tribulations, criticism and then success.

@Daniel thanks I will keep on doing the reviews and will keep improving them. The reason why they have improved over time is exactly because people gave me advice and I followed the advice which was successful till thusfar.
@Daniel I didn't bash anyone by name, nor did I mention which e-juice was being reviewed. Sorry to say, but @contrid bashed himself.
No worries was not aimed at anyone specific just in general people on the interwebs are very opiniated kudos again for the positive critisism and kudos to @contrid for apologizing. We will still do a collab thinking 'Vaping and Karaoke in cars' :p
This is one of those threads where you walk in and...


Btw, the video in question is below so you can all see and it is the object being discussed since post #1.

Since @Hooked is convinced that I bashed myself I really didn't, I will always stand up for myself and fellow people who try to advance an industry or who work hard at what they do. I will never, ever stop doing that for as long as I live so keep telling yourself that as you go to bed alone tonight.

I really enjoyed making the video and have the utmost respect for Gert as a flavor connoisseur, the guy is a f*$#% legend. I did my best to provide a neutral and unbiased review to tell you guys what the ejuice is like. The ejuice turned out great but before I actually smelled or tasted the ejuice I provided some insight which could've been summed up as "all ejuice reviews are subjective".

Enjoy the video and have a listen, 11 minutes is really not that long. All/most of my reviews are below 10 minutes as I specifically keep it below that.

Let haters be haters, I enjoy what I do and will keep doing it even if I watch the videos myself ffs. Let it be...