What Did You Vape Today?

My first time getting to try out Fogg's Milky Way... (doing it two fisted).

Wow thanks for supporting our juice makers! This is soooo cool of you.
I just killed a bottle of Purple Alien. It was a real treat yum. Now to destroy the bottle of Torus. Saturday. YESSS.
DIY Plum infused Tobacco.

Very nice. I think some Brandy concentrate could make this mindblowing

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Not brandy, rum... might just give the combo a whirl myself... tobacco with plums and a rum undertone... sounds YUM.
Phililip Rocke Creme de La creme in Aromamizer, such a great juice with a tank that does it real justice
Vapour Mountain XXX in a GP Piccoloid V3.1 (Piccolo/Spheroid).

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Torus. TORUS. TOOOORRRRUUUUSSSSS. Killed another bottle. I shall die poor. But happy. Very happy.
Got my Smok 75watt tc mod back today from repairs so, i celebrate with a tank of bowdens mate from five pawns then ADVd some lemon Squid from Mystic Nectar.
Nom du plume no9 in my aromamizer. Cant stop vaping this stuff
Milkman, then some milkman and then a little more milkman :mad:
Mr Foggs Milky Way and At First Flight. The latter is my all time "go to" juice. Went through two tanks in one of my Melo 2 tanks at work today.

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Wiener Vape Co. - Fetch (Currently my ADV, this juice brings so much joy to my life :))
Hazeworks - Startup
DIY Voodoo Queen (a smoky, earthy Latakia/Perique NET) in the Price of Darkness... quod princeps tenebrarum.
(all black Reo P67, Nuppin' V2 and Syner)

My favorite Nostalgia gear and a DIY apple pie and ice cream from a mate thats just kicking so much ass...1460901869192566429613.jpg

EDIT: Twink'd is a masterpiece. Took me half the bottle to really understand it but now I do... subtelty and beauty. The only words I have. Just wow.