What Did You Vape Today?

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
It would be interesting to know what everyone vapes (Juice wise) each day... one juice all day or multiple?

Most of the day I used VM Menthol Ice like I always do... but did quite a bit of VM Pineapple and then a little VM Choc Mint and my VM Candyfloss is always a treat! Using topQ menthol at the moment because my VM Menthol Ice has reached Code Red status... just hope the bulk purchase arrives before the weekend!
Started off with own mix: Cherry + Menthol (22mg nic), moved on during the day to VM Banana Cream with a couple of drops of menthol added (18mg nic) and just now filled-up with VM's Choc-Mint (18mg nic).
Today it is TopQ Vinilla as my TopQ Coffee has come to an end.

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Finished my last tank of Bowdens mate this morning and now Im finished with a tank of Grandmaster.
Im gonna have to fill the tank with Grandmaster again because everything else I have is swill
5 Pawn Grandmaster

I can't wait to taste Bowdens Mate.

Peanut butter and Banana doesn't appeal to me so much... I love peanut butter toast (has to be crunchy Yum Yum) but I hate PB Biscuits or PB sweets and R350 for a tester is a bit steep after tasting that very nasty Absolute Pin! But I need to try the other 5 Pawn Juices because it appears that the R350 price tag is worth it.
I can't wait to taste Bowdens Mate.

Peanut butter and Banana doesn't appeal to me so much... I love peanut butter toast (has to be crunchy Yum Yum) but I hate PB Biscuits or PB sweets and R350 for a tester is a bit steep after tasting that very nasty Absolute Pin! But I need to try the other 5 Pawn Juices because it appears that the R350 price tag is worth it.
You must try the Gambit. I bought the Grandmaster as a 3rd choice. At first I didn't like it. It was in the Kayfun. I put it in the Reo, and it is awesome. Atleast till the VM legends are ready. ;)
Goodejuice Organic Tobacco, 5 Pawns Bowden's Mate, DIY orange (VM concentrate), VM banana cream, Nicoticket Custard's Last Stand.
You must try the Gambit. I bought the Grandmaster as a 3rd choice. At first I didn't like it. It was in the Kayfun. I put it in the Reo, and it is awesome. Atleast till the VM legends are ready. ;)

The Gambit does sound great... Only 3 more sleeps till Legends! :D
You must try the Gambit. I bought the Grandmaster as a 3rd choice. At first I didn't like it. It was in the Kayfun. I put it in the Reo, and it is awesome. Atleast till the VM legends are ready. ;)
Gambit is on my list too. Just amazing how a different device can change a juice. VM Banana Cream is so so in the Reo for me, but better in the Kayfun and amazing in the Aqua, which makes no logical sense to me.
Oooo that's what I was looking for... a secret taste I have never heard of before! Did you order it direct or find it locally Andre?
Imported - www.nicoticket.com. Great service, affordable pricing and no problems to ship customs friendly - parcel and bottles. Custard's Last Stand is a great juice, but very sweet - I probably take about 5 to 6 toots of it during the course of a day. Not an all day vape for my taste.
Just amazing how a different device can change a juice. VM Banana Cream is so so in the Reo for me, but better in the Kayfun and amazing in the Aqua, which makes no logical sense to me.

I was going to a post earlier on today and then thought I must be out of my mind because the tastes seemed different in the mPT2 and the Nautilus... I deleted the post because people would have thought I lost my marbles... so there is something to this then! Phew... :D
My current ADV is 1/3 dekang desert ship, 1/3 dekang Virginia and 1/3 VM VM4.
My current ADV is 1/3 dekang desert ship, 1/3 dekang Virginia and 1/3 VM VM4.

So you still fancy the tobacco flavours Markus... funny those are the ones I like least.

Maybe you need to pull in when you are next in the area and try the 5 Pawn Absolute Pin that I have and see if I can't offload it on you! :p
At work I vape mix of juices from VapeMOB, its Mango and Ecto mixed 50/50. At home I vape VM mystery juice B. Not sure what I will vape when that is done but those are my current daily vape.
So you still fancy the tobacco flavours Markus... funny those are the ones I like least.

Maybe you need to pull in when you are next in the area and try the 5 Pawn Absolute Pin that I have and see if I can't offload it on you! :p

I recon my mix would run a Boeing, but it suits my taste buds. I'm petrified that I may like 5P too much, but will def take you up on the offer.

A strong tabacco mellowed with VM4 is just pure bliss for me at the moment.
Decided to mix Vape Elixir's Black Cigar 12mg(Love this flavour) with Hangsen Red Energy 24mg about 70% Cigar and 30% Red Bull, nice flavour, added a new element to the Black Cigar, although I still think the Cigar should be untouched as an ADV.
VM peach passion , 5P - Gambit & Grandmaster ,VM Home Made Leftovers
I vape VM berry blaze most of the day and then VM4 and my own vanilla coffee mix at night
ADV is unflavoured 50/50 9-12mg.
As a treat during the day VM4 12mg or VM Choc/mint 9mg
Right now on a dripper HHV Heavenly Tobacco.
Today? Started with VM chocmint and now its cigar de paris

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