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Goblin mini and ipv d2. Such an awesome stealthy vape

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Bobas bounty goodness!

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Turning up the heat
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@Andre I can't help but laugh at how goofy the Velocity looks. Especially on that tiny D2. All of a sudden his head is way bigger!!!
Sigelei 75 with Goblin Mini and filled with a very delicious MilkMan! So happy the juice is awesome seeing I got such a big bottle! :rock:

MilkMan 002.JPG
@Andre I can't help but laugh at how goofy the Velocity looks. Especially on that tiny D2. All of a sudden his head is way bigger!!!
Strangely enough, the size balance for me is just perfect. The picture does not do justice. The Goblin Mini was almost too small on there - and I hate the condensation on the IPV from the Goblin's air holes.
Did not like the Velocity on the Reo, probably the catch cup extra height.
Of course my Velocity is nowadays almost exclusively filled with a certain MMMs AshyBac.
I've not used drippers for a while - got a velocity on my iStick 40. Goodness, I'm mad about the thing!!! Tried a Mutation X4 and it just doesn't hold up to the velocity for me.

I was planning to get a Goblin mini and an IPV eventually. Thanks for the heads up. I do think that little tank is a game changer though. One with less airflow and slightly less leakprone would be incredible!!!
Teleos Cloud Science Gamma - Not sure about the Mango, Peach and Cream but the Guava is outstanding! Actually I am getting a little peach... but it's Guava all the way. First of the Teleos Juices and I'm excited about trying the rest! Quality Juices no doubt!

Gamma 003.JPG
wowzers, you could use that as a battery backup system for your pc when the lights go out :eek:

Batteries last forever. I charge those once every two days or so. Ideal for at home vaping.