What's in your hand right now?

Serpent Mini fully operational. Dual NI80 coils coming in at 0.22 wicked with Cotton Candy (Lungcandy) and some Nostalgia Lustre. The hype is real!! >:)

Rocking Miss Daisy's pecan nut cream pie in my tfv8 baby beast and Hugo 133 mod courtesy of vape cartel CT
Does this mean you are happy with Hohm @Tockit?
For the little bit I have played around with it, yes I'm very happy with the mod. Not so happy in the atty department yet. Rather going to get a serpent mini later. And a serpent 25 at a later stage when they more freely available in Cape Town

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As my wife would say boys and their toys. My flavor testing RDA.

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Must say I am duly impressed with this little squonker think it's a great budget device to get anyone into squonking without costing an arm and a leg. And the flavor is well as always great on the trusty old RM2. Did realize however not such a stealthy vape device with the bright light shining but just keep the fingers over the mod.

@Rob Fisher ....... m8, I like almost everything you buy but that just looks weird. Size too big and looks like chunk has been eaten or chipped out.
But as long as you happy with it ........ maybe you need to cull the herd now.
What will be appearing in the classifieds? :wasntme:
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So I was not really happy with the Griffen 25 mini I bought yesterday and I bit the bullet and got q serpent mini. This little tank should be called the baby beast. It flies through juice. Currently running 3mm 24g kanthal 5 wraps spaced reading 0.52. Still need to play around with builds to find the sweet spot.

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@Caramia ...... most welcome to the Therion club. Now you and hubby will have to come over for a braai when in Cape Town. :)
Cannot understand why anyone would sell their Therion ......... simply fantastic device.
Thank you @KZOR! :)
*hush, hush, I won it in a random lucky draw*:giggle:
Yep, we (actually the fandamily in Vredenburg) are planning a trip down in Feb, and West Coast:zplayita:. But we shall have to see how work goes, year-end in IT and all:2guns: