What's in your hand right now?

Curently using the Univapo mod with a bottle of craneberry and pineapple from wack o fruits thanks to @victim This is an amazing mod and pairs very nicely with the craneberry and pineapple from wack o fruits.
That podvape pairs nice with alot of flavours, although I'm back on flavorless. It's my everyday carry since everything else has issues.IMG-20240408-WA0086.jpeg
That podvape pairs nice with alot of flavours, although I'm back on flavorless. It's my everyday carry since everything else has issues.View attachment 291275
my wife stole the one Tim sent and seems to be enjoying it as well! only thing is coil availability so looks like we will have to dismantle these ones and try rebuild them.
my wife stole the one Tim sent and seems to be enjoying it as well! only thing is coil availability so looks like we will have to dismantle these ones and try rebuild them.
As soon as this one bugs out. Spare coil in and rebuild this one.
This setup will be in hand on Wednesday when heading to the Hall of Vape in Stuttgart, Germany!
Stratum Cherries.JPG
The new version of the Dani 21700 in Aston Martin Green with a Dvarw DL filled with a fresh batch of Red Pill arrived today! I absolutely love this mod!
Dani 21700 Aston Martin Racing green.JPG