New On Fastech -variable Wattage Kick Module For Mechanical Mod / Pv

just checking, if you put one of these above the battery and a vv one below the battery :)
with all the Mech mods i think im going to be needing something like this
but one to store juice bottles mods and batteries
maybe a spool on its side like the RBA station thingy ...?


no Forum members good with perspex or wood or glass

mayb i should look into designing somthing and using fibre glass
but it will be a very long term project
Those are basically make-up stands - they come in different sizes for lipsticks and whatnot - maybe look into that :)
Those are basically make-up stands - they come in different sizes for lipsticks and whatnot - maybe look into that :)
so u can pretend to buy it for the misses and then chuck all her makup in the draw and orginize your mods lol
was actually thinking of making some wooden ecig stands and cup holder inserts. would people prefer wood or plastic?
I'm a hobby woodworker, so I would prefer wood - but that's just me. If you make enough we would be willing to sell them on our site for you
been dragging my feet for ages now, guess i should get to mocking up a few samples :)
yeah, making stuff for fun and making stuff for resale are two different beasts :) I know a guy that makes e-pipes - custom with high quality woods - they are beautiful and extremely well made - but he is not willing to make them for re-sale - he says that he puts so much effort into each pipe that he would have to charge thousands and thousands of rands to make it worth his while - and he himself wouldn't pay that much for one, how can he expect other people to :)
I'd buy a wooden one if you make :) - could you make a really cool one i could use in my handbag? That would be sick lol :p I think I should sew (Translated to get my mom to sew) me a little something to keep my vape stuff upright in my handbag