The Exocet Thread

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
Thread to discuss the Exocet!

Pit stop done and ready to be put into the Boro tank! This must be one of the easiest RTA's to coil and it is the easiest to wick! Coupled with the flavour this is the real heart of the Billet Box! :h:

Builds are Ni80 24g, Fused Clapton and Alien Clapton. I remove the airflow control ring and never use it. Air flow fully open is a perfect restricted lung hit for me.
Not the neatest coil install but at least it will give you the idea of the height above the air-hole etc...
Exocet 004.JPG Exocet 005.JPG Exocet 006.JPG Exocet 007.JPG
Hey Rob - where did you get that 510 wooden jig? That looks awesome!
Following this one carefully!

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Just for the record the best possible vape I get from the exocet is when I get @RiaanRed to install one of his 3mm Alien Claptons which come out at around 0.39Ω... my normal build is a staple clapton 2,5mm at around a 0.5Ω

These are the ones I normally use... 2.5mm staple claptons.
CoilCo 011.JPG
Do u have a close up of the alien coil
Did a dual 28Ga SS316L wrapped with 38Ga NI80.

2.5 ID,7 wrap coming in at 0.35.

What a perfect vape !!

Gosh, it seems I am the only 1 still using basic A1 for my builds. Need to upgrade and see if I get better vapes from these exocets.
No more exocets available in the world at the moment ;(

Simple but brilliant Is what out sells everything. To build on, flavour, 510 connection are all pros for this little bridge. Winner everytime.
Just a heads up for those wanting an authentic Exocet... Hellfire will be making a new batch ready for early June or maybe a little earlier. Spoke to them today.
Exocet 001.JPG
I see .3 to .5 ohm builds for this device. Does anyone build lower ? Is clapton variations the best wire for this RTA ?

Just for interest sake, what sort of wattage are you guys running on these builds ?
I see .3 to .5 ohm builds for this device. Does anyone build lower ? Is clapton variations the best wire for this RTA ?

Just for interest sake, what sort of wattage are you guys running on these builds ?

I use claptons and aliens 2,5mm and I run them at 27watts to 30watts.
Just an update for any new Exocet owners or new BB Owners... this is a build for a new owner soon to be revealed!

First things first... you need a mod with a deeper 510 that can grab the exocet threads... my eVic Primo does the job perfectly and is always at the ready on the BB build station! Also unless you are a tight MTL vaper you can remove the black airflow ring and store it away.

Then a quality 2.5mm 2x28/40 Fused Clapton Coil made from quality Kidney PUncher Ni80 Wire. Fit the coil and clear any hot spots with strumming and squeezing.
ExocetBuild02.JPG ExocetBuild03.JPG

Cotton not too tight and not too loose. I prefer Royal wicks because it so easy to use and the flavour is so on point with no cotton taste at all. Also as with all high end devices you must lube all the O-Rings with PG or the juice you are using. That includes the O-Rings in the boro tank as well... and the orange O-Ring for the glass in the boro...
ExocetBuild04.JPG ExocetBuild05.JPG

Coin needed to remove the drip tip holder so remove the Boro. Place the cap over the base and trim the wicks.
ExocetBuild06.JPG ExocetBuild07.JPG

Looking good so far. ONce all the O-Rings are lubed place the exocet base in the boro and seat it firmly... then add the chimney and seat it down firmly.
ExocetBuild08.JPG ExocetBuild10.JPG

Boom... now you can fill the borro and install! Here we have a brand new Silver DNA60 BB coiled, wicked and ready to be filled.
ExocetBuild11.JPG ExocetBuild12.JPG
What am i doing wrong. I have Rob's build above. Soon as the tank gets to about 3 quarters empty, it starts to leak. If I fill it up, it stops leaking. Any suggestions ?
What am i doing wrong. I have Rob's build above. Soon as the tank gets to about 3 quarters empty, it starts to leak. If I fill it up, it stops leaking. Any suggestions ?

Show us some pics and is it an authentic or clone?
I would assume clone. Got it from Sir vape

Yip the clones are hit and miss... the first two I tried for interest sake are at the bottom of the gorge... the 3rd one seemed just fine. Probably need to take it apart, clean and put back together... that seems to help sometimes. A dickey clone bridge can kill the passion of a BB... nothing worse than a leaky device.
I'm having two problems with my exocet.
The first is that my ohms keep jumping, it'll be about a 0.05 difference.
The second is that I keep getting a dry/burnt cotton taste even when the tank is full.
Any help is appreciated!