Coffee e-juice Research


Vapin' up a Storm

To all the coffee-loving vapers:

  • Follow this thread if you want to know what will be reviewed next.
  • Links to all reviews are here.
  • If you're looking for a particular kind of coffee e.g. a dark roast, or coffee with hazelnut, have a look at the flavour index categorisatios here.
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My latest obsession is with coffee e-juice - it just makes the morning so much better! It's thanks to @Bumblee who started me on this road. Methinks it will be a long road ... bye-bye New Year's Resolution not to buy more juice. But - this is different. I really, really enjoy a coffee juice as my first-vape-of-the-day, so instead of re-ordering ones that I've tried, let me vape the road less travelled.

If you have any suggestions for my Coffee Research, which are not on any of my lists below, speak forth or forever lose your crema.

I have the following:
Bumblebee - Machete
Merak Infusion - Eleanor
Snap - Café con Leche
TopQ - Coffee

Ordered and Vape Mail expected next week:
The Vape Industry - Signature (house-brand)
Liquiflav - Creme Brulee
Milk Lab - Frappe
Rebel Revolution - Escobar's Beans

Collect Mail or Vape Mail expected about end February:
@Andre is DIYing something for me. I'm such a lucky gal - thank you in advance, Andre!

On my list for future orders:
The Vape Merchant - Pronkhond (house-brand)
Haagen Dazs - Dulce de Leche
Motley Brew - Brew's Broth
Ultimate Vape - Caramel Capuccino [sic] (house-brand)
Ultimate Vape - Coffee (house-brand)
Vape Juice SA - Coffee (house-brand)

The biggest problem is that I order most of my things online, because of where I stay, but it's sooo difficult to find a vendor who stocks different coffees. I spent the entire afternoon scouring the Internet! I didn't even have time to post any competition entries!

EDIT: Two more added to 'I have' list.

You need to add Paulie's Coffee Cake to the list!
I had a lot of success with BOSS vape "Ying yang." Still ticks me off having to intentionally spell it wrong.

I didn't go wild for the rest of the juice line though.

They were selling at R70 per 50ml so I picked up the coffee and strawberry cake.

I think it's locally made in Cape Town and I picked it up from Vape Empire Lounge in Lansdown. I've actually gone off most of the juices I try - which is why I haven't done any reviews in a while. My all time favourite juice (which is all I vape when I have it) is KZORs Strawberry triplet.

I'll check up on how much coffee I have left and if it's enough to justify sending it, I'll post it your way.

It is a creamy and super sweet blend. Also very milky. If you've ever tried Woolworths Tiramisu cake, the flavour profile is bordering on identical.

Will keep you posted. I'm an espresso man, so the juice in question is not an ADV for me.
I had a lot of success with BOSS vape "Ying yang." Still ticks me off having to intentionally spell it wrong.

I didn't go wild for the rest of the juice line though.

They were selling at R70 per 50ml so I picked up the coffee and strawberry cake.

I think it's locally made in Cape Town and I picked it up from Vape Empire Lounge in Lansdown. I've actually gone off most of the juices I try - which is why I haven't done any reviews in a while. My all time favourite juice (which is all I vape when I have it) is KZORs Strawberry triplet.

I'll check up on how much coffee I have left and if it's enough to justify sending it, I'll post it your way.

It is a creamy and super sweet blend. Also very milky. If you've ever tried Woolworths Tiramisu cake, the flavour profile is bordering on identical.

Will keep you posted. I'm an espresso man, so the juice in question is not an ADV for me.

@Spyro Thanks for commenting here! I had a look at Boss Vape's website and I simply can not believe what I saw - or rather, didn't see. They don't give a flavour description for any of their juices and the names of the juices give no indication of what they are!!!!! How utterly ridiculous is that - or have I lost the plot? There's a thread on this forum about them - everyone who has bought from them have very good comments to make, but I'm going to post there as well and ask them how they knew which juice to choose.

If the Ying Yang [sic] is very sweet then it's definitely not for me, but your kind offer to send it my way is nevertheless appreciated.
Thanks, Spryo!

EDIT: Sorry, it's the Vape Empire website which doesn't give a flavour description. The Boss Vape website has only DIY stuff.
Ah yes, when I went to ask for flavour profiles I simply got "strawberry" "coffee" "melons" etc.

No problem then, goodluck with your search!
@Hooked so when do we start getting impressions of the juices!? :D

Avidly watching this thread as I'm a bit of a coffee nut myself
@Cave Johnson @Silver @Andre
The description of Phillip Rocke Grand Reserve - Creme De La Creme on the internet is, "a wonderfully aromatic hazelnut cream, with a mild hint of coffee". Sounds as if the main flavour is hazelnut, not coffee. Do/did you taste the coffee at all?
A favourite of mine! Such a pity 5Pawns has discontinued it.

On this website it has conflicting information. First it says
"Last Bottles Ever" but then it says, "We're temporarily out of stock on this item..." and one may enter one's name and email, in order to be notified when stock arrives". Perhaps the latter is just a template that's automatically inserted. Just in case, I asked to be notified. You never know ... hope springs eternal in the vaper's mod.
On this website it has conflicting information. First it says
"Last Bottles Ever" but then it says, "We're temporarily out of stock on this item..." and one may enter one's name and email, in order to be notified when stock arrives". Perhaps the latter is just a template that's automatically inserted. Just in case, I asked to be notified. You never know ... hope springs eternal in the vaper's mod.
Yip, that’s probably just a template for out of stock items.
They discontinued that Juice. It came with a coffee bean submerged in the bottle. lol.

With regards to your question on Creme de la Creme, you do taste the coffee. Although with the hazelnut, cream and woody notes (steeped in oak barrels) its not a coffee vape per say. I would say coffee is a back note. It’s very complex though. One of my all time favourite juices. Even if you not after a coffee flavour it’s definitely one to try.