Possibly Shorted My Twisp Battery

Hi @bjorn

The Spinner (version 1 or 2) depending on your budget will power many of the commercial tanks beautifully
If you want to go rebuildable at a later stage you can get another battery device, but the Spinner and tank will then make a perfect backup vape

As for the MVP, it is box shaped. Also an excellent device with super long battery life. Check out the reviews in the hardware reviews section.

Well worth the upgrade to any of these devices in my opinion. You wont go wrong

And @Silver beats me to it. haha

i'm browsing those two sites now, vapourking and vapourmountain. i don't see any coils similar to the twisp coils. i do see however that they sell silica wick and that kanthal wire. i'm nervous now after messing up this battery that i might do it again trying to replace the wick in a coil. but R40 per coil? like every 2 - 3 weeks? that's just silly.

what do you guys think of the coils and replacing the wick and wire yourself?
If you don't to for out for another batter at this stage, take it into one of the kiosks and have them test it.
you can rebuild your own coil if you have an ohm meter / multimeter
the box mods, i would say is takes a bit getting used to for like the first day... but when you have a comfortable fit in your hand, bud you can't go wrong with the MVP, i just acquired my second one, not that I needed it, but I look at it like this : "what's better than a MVP, 2 MVPs!!! :rock: "

It's a pass through battery, so you can vape while it charges. With constant vaping I easily get like a day and a half out of it. You can set either your Volts or Watts on the MVP according to your vaping preferences, and it's nice to have the option to go a bit higher when you need a stronger TH... I really don't think (and the mech mod users will disagree with me here hahaha, but they'll still see :--P ) that i will ever need a different device, maybe if they bring out an upgrade to my MVP, then yes, but for me it's a winner :rock:
Oh and another plus point, it has an ohm reader built in for when you want to start coil building, plus it also keeps track of your battery power, so you know when you need to charge - just saying hahaha ;-)

the one on the left has the Kanger aerotank on and the right is the mini Protank 3 ;-)

i'm browsing those two sites now, vapourking and vapourmountain. i don't see any coils similar to the twisp coils. i do see however that they sell silica wick and that kanthal wire. i'm nervous now after messing up this battery that i might do it again trying to replace the wick in a coil. but R40 per coil? like every 2 - 3 weeks? that's just silly.

what do you guys think of the coils and replacing the wick and wire yourself?

If you want to get into coil building you should probably be looking at a RBA (rebuildable atomizer)
Also don't have much experience here, but I am ordering a rebuildable next month. (Still deciding between a Kayfun or Russian 91%)

I think @Reinvanhardt might be able to shed more light on this?
If you want to get into coil building you should probably be looking at a RBA (rebuildable atomizer)
Also don't have much experience here, but I am ordering a rebuildable next month. (Still deciding between a Kayfun or Russian 91%)

I think @Reinvanhardt might be able to shed more light on this?
No, you need not look at rebuildables to go into coil building. Many members on this forum rebuild the coils on their commercial clearomisers and they all swear it is much better than the factory installed coils - also much cheaper then. Popular clearomisers to rebuild are the single coil EVODS and the Mini Protank 2 (very good value for money). You get many YouTube videos on how to do that and we have some experts here, like @BhavZ and @Silver.
No, you need not look at rebuildables to go into coil building. Many members on this forum rebuild the coils on their commercial clearomisers and they all swear it is much better than the factory installed coils - also much cheaper then. Popular clearomisers to rebuild are the single coil EVODS and the Mini Protank 2 (very good value for money). You get many YouTube videos on how to do that and we have some experts here, like @BhavZ and @Silver.

Apologies, (see, I am still new to rebuilding coils) :(
oi vey, see this is where i get lost.

bones, my battery is out of warranty now.

i watched a video on youtube of a guy replacing the wick in a replaceable coil. it seems fairly straightforward. obvioulsy, it was not as straightforward as i though, due to me posting on this forum now. haha.

questions, questions.
- with the spinner, is it the same setup as the twisp, as in, the battery is basically built into the unit? am i confused with mods here? i don't understand this battery unit setup.
- these RBA's you're talking about....??

i get the feeling, there's a difference between mods, and just basic interswappable parts, like atomisers and battery units?
oi vey, see this is where i get lost.

bones, my battery is out of warranty now.

i watched a video on youtube of a guy replacing the wick in a replaceable coil. it seems fairly straightforward. obvioulsy, it was not as straightforward as i though, due to me posting on this forum now. haha.

questions, questions.
- with the spinner, is it the same setup as the twisp, as in, the battery is basically built into the unit? am i confused with mods here? i don't understand this battery unit setup.
- these RBA's you're talking about....??

i get the feeling, there's a difference between mods, and just basic interswappable parts, like atomisers and battery units?
Information overload:), sorry. Yes the Vision Spinner is basically like a twisp battery and has the same connection on top. Just bigger and lasts much longer. Forget about the RBAs for the moment.
At the risk of further info overload, maybe read this post.
rba is a rebuilable atomiser such as kayfun/trident/smoktech rsst and the likes .

you have to build your own coil and wick it

a mod is divided into electronic and mechanical

electronic = svd , mvp , vtr , sid and the likes and has electronic circuitry

mechanical = no circuitry just the battery and tube
sorry matthee, i actually only just noticed your earlier reply too.

ok so in short, twisp, evo, vision those kind of things, are one product or type of product line or whatever you want to call it?
RBA's = mods = something more customisable?
oi vey, see this is where i get lost.

bones, my battery is out of warranty now.

i watched a video on youtube of a guy replacing the wick in a replaceable coil. it seems fairly straightforward. obvioulsy, it was not as straightforward as i though, due to me posting on this forum now. haha.

questions, questions.
- with the spinner, is it the same setup as the twisp, as in, the battery is basically built into the unit? am i confused with mods here? i don't understand this battery unit setup.
- these RBA's you're talking about....??

i get the feeling, there's a difference between mods, and just basic interswappable parts, like atomisers and battery units?

It sounds far more comlicated than it is. (i just did not know you could rebuild standard coils, but will defenitely be trying now. :-D )

Spinner is the same as twisp. just a bit longer and the base turns to adjust voltage.

RBA's... try checking youtube for kayfun, russian 91%, fogger v4, etc. this might show you better what they are. Maybe @Matthee should chime in here as I still need some experience with them.

Keep at it, there is a wealth of info on here and everyone here helps each other.
shot for clearing that up shabbar.

do you think maybe if i found someone that has a mod, they might be able to advice whether i can fix the twisp battery unti i blew?

baksteen, the whole coil comes apart, you can then take the old wick and wire out and replace it. but obviously, from my experience last night, you need to know what you doing. i don't know what i did wrong?

i can see i'll be going towards mods in the future...
basically an electronic mod is regulated and your vape quality stays the same
with a mech as your battery gets flat your vape quality decreases
shot for clearing that up shabbar.

do you think maybe if i found someone that has a mod, they might be able to advice whether i can fix the twisp battery unti i blew?

baksteen, the whole coil comes apart, you can then take the old wick and wire out and replace it. but obviously, from my experience last night, you need to know what you doing. i don't know what i did wrong?

i can see i'll be going towards mods in the future...

Ah, never knew you could take the coil apart. haha. will look into that. now I am itching to buy a ohm meter and to rebuild some coils.

thanks @bjorn and @Matthee , i learned something new today. :)
shot for clearing that up shabbar.

do you think maybe if i found someone that has a mod, they might be able to advice whether i can fix the twisp battery unti i blew?

baksteen, the whole coil comes apart, you can then take the old wick and wire out and replace it. but obviously, from my experience last night, you need to know what you doing. i don't know what i did wrong?

i can see i'll be going towards mods in the future...

@johan can probably help you out
well... i have only one battery now.... 3 hours without vaping.... scary stuff. don't want to go back to ciggies.
if you not in a hurry order from fasttech

takes about 2-4 weeks to get to SA

That is where i am looking.

On a side note, do you know if their kayfun / russian / fogger RBA's are any good? i know they are clones, but the price is soooo good.

(sorry OP for this little hijack)
well... i have only one battery now.... 3 hours without vaping.... scary stuff. don't want to go back to ciggies.
If you were close to me i would have given you one of my old CE4 batteries.

are all of your batteries dead?
i'm down under in pe hey. no-one hangs out around here. people haven't even caught on to e-cigs yet.