Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Coupla kg's each of PG and VG, skyblue DIY starter kit with bacon, cherry cola, glazed cherry and apple flavors.

Thanks a lot @Derick and @Melinda you guys are awesome! Can't wait to try the bacon flavor, I reckon it's gonna be disgusting but I HAVE to try it anyway!
Haha, the girl (Brooklyn Decker), I wish!

All the PG and VG, I'm making some ejuice for friends...

And damn that bacon flavor is weird and really good!
Only problem is I have never ever mixed before . Will need some serious tips
Only problem is I have never ever mixed before . Will need some serious tips
I'm working on the DIY guide - should have it ready for download by the weekend - but for the meantime - start off with adding about 5% flavour to your liquid and give it a try (except for bacon - there start with a few drops)

To get the nic to the right level for you, just divide 36 by the nic content you want, to get your ratio

e.g 36/18 = 2

so it is 1 part nic, 1 part pure PG or VG

36/12 = 3
so that is 1 part nic, 2 parts pure PG or VG


add your flavour to your final mix, this will dilute your nic a bit, so if you added flavour to an 18mg mix, your nic content will be slightly less than 18mg - but for starting out, it is easier to do it this way

Then when you are ready to do the final mix - take a look at this software - that will help you calculate exact amounts to get your nic to 18mg even after flavour is added.

Thanks . Are any of these harmful to plastic tanks ? Don't want to destroy my evods
Some wire....


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9195 mit Tapatalk
oooh 36 gauge. beware the springiness of doom. might be best to weave/twist it with a stiffer thicker kanthal
its not 36g....its 0.36mm = 27g

Here in Germany it is always in mm, so I have to keep going back to zivipf.de for conversions :confused:
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wanted to try this, as it gives me more wraps for lower ohm coils for the darkest side of vaping.

Dampfspulen Rechner 2014-04-30 16-10-45.png Dampfspulen Rechner 2014-04-30 16-11-16.png

the second pic shows it for standard 28g wire. so its a solid 2 wraps more on the thicker wire, and i will end up with 0.4 ohm dual coiling
its not 36g....its 0.36mm = 27g

Here in Germany it is always in mm, so I have to keep going back to zivipf.de for conversions :confused:
The 27 g works great for me. Have just ordered some 26 g to try. I just write the gauge on the white label when delivered.