Forum members age group

What is your age group

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i think you might have it wrong there. once you join the ballies age group you have to climb up before you can make your way downhill.
so downhill only really starts at 65.

There are only a few perfect heads, the rest are covered with hair!
Yay so glad to see I am not the oldest on a forum anymore!
Many of us outrank you youngsters in age. Cannot vouch for the Wisdom part though :cool:

PS. If you keep on bumping this dang thread, I'm going to have to change my vote soon.
With that 30-39 group, there is still hope for me to get a date someday :D
19 at heart.... According to my Id I'm 25 though, I think it's lying

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Don't know if my vote took.

But in 4months i will leave the 20's

Lol 25 is my age

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Let me just say that when I started vaping I thought it was a hipster thing... joined the forum and made assumptions that everyone here were youngsters and hipsters... I often was scared that vaping was making me hang onto my youth and blowing O’s and doing tricks started making me feel young... hahaaaaa alas I seen pics of the kings of vaping themselves @Rob Fisher and @Silver and boy did it settle my concerns:polutxoso:

Love the fact that the vaping community has such a diverse demographic. I must say though it feels good to be part of the youngest slot in this thread because that means I kicked the stinkies a lot earlier than most which I’m thankful for!