KZOR's Reviews : Wotofo Coil Kit & Coil jig

Thanks @KZOR for holding onto my tips. Collected them this afternoon and they have found their new homes. One for the OBS engine

And the other on the phenotype L


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OK, small problem. The tip not so great on the phenotype L. Juice travels up the tip. But I should have a cerabis 44 incoming and it will go on there, it doesn't look so good on the Mage. Lol

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Dealing with some basic concepts surrounding vaping.
Trying to inform interested parties about concepts like scientific terms, atomizers and mods.

You should make this video downloadable ... there are surprisingly few people that know what vaping is o_O

I recently tried to explain it, and the response was "But nicotine is carcinogenic." *sigh*. Then stop drinking green tea!
SnowWolf Mini Plus 80W review

Nice Review @KZOR
Snow wolf mini plus is a real beauty.

Got a super deal i couldnt resist from @Lee on a authentic petri rta for my wife cause she loves Gold stuff.

One day later after giving her the petri she said she needed a mod to match her petri (us vapers) :-D

But the setup does look pretty sick.

How i got to quit smoking and start vaping.

Very informative bud nice one .
I stopped smoking cause of the same reason basically (not for my children cause i dont have any yet, but for my wife and the sake of my unborn children)

One realises you have to stop being selfish and realise you have loved ones you need to take care off.

I want to be able to be by my wifes side as long as i possibly can and in the near future we are planning on having children.

I do not want my children growing up without a dad because of something i could have prevented.

So big up on you in being the bigger man and realising that we can stop smoking these man made killing cigarette pieces of crap.
How i got to quit smoking and start vaping.

Great video @KZOR
Sincere and informative
I liked the way you went through a lot of the negative components of the cigarettes!
This is a great video for smokers to watch who are considering vaping as an alternative
Thanx Kzor.
I'm in the market for a new rda, and it's a toss up between the goon and the goon LP.

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I do like that look.
It'll look sexy on my copper mech with the full ultem cap....

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Day 2 verdict.
CSMNT has outperformed the Goon Lp. Flavour is definitely better and juice well is a dream.
Moved the coils slightly up and now flavour is more intense as well as RDA stays a lot cooler.
Will highly recommend it. :)

Is there a slight whistle on the airflow? or is it swooshy? - And any twists on flatwire - potential problems?