Pay It Forward.


Power to the Users
Johannesburg, West side.
Thanks to @Matthee , I have been appointed as the PIF Boss.

If anyone want to forward vape related things to another, please PM me.
Also, If you are in need of something vape related, PM me.

As @Matthee already explained in this post.

It basically started off with the idea that you give something to or do something for someone in need and that person then has to reciprocate to 3 other people and so on...creating a multiplier effect. In practice off course it is not that easy, for if you give something for someone in need the very circumstances of that person might not conducive to "paying it forward", although the forward act(s) could be any kindness/consideration shown or done and need not be done immediately.

I have been thinking of trying to create a simple system for this forum. Have struggled through the trillion rules of some other forums, mostly rules to avoid abuses. Came to the conclusion that a too formal system, where communication is in the open forum, will actually be counter the whole idea in the long run. The spirit behind the idea is more important for me and this community has shown an abundance of that - examples abound.

The secret of course, is to learn to really listen to your fellow forumites. That most neglected of all our senses.

Maybe the following can work:
  1. If you have something vape related to give away - PM the PIF administrator (volunteer?). Tell him/her what it is. Be prepared to pay for postage. Be prepared not to be acknowledged or thanked should the PIF administrator ask you to pass the item along to someone. Know that you have no further say over that item and what happens to it. You will be quite within your rights to ask the recipient not to disclose your identity should you so prefer.
  2. If you are in need of something vape related or you know of someone in such a need - PM the PIF administrator. Know that you are under no obligation whatsoever to tell anyone about the gift or say thank you for the gift. PIF should be totally unconditional. Be prepared not to identify the giver should he/she so prefer. Be prepared, however, to pay that kindness forward at some stage if you can.
Simple enough. Any suggestions will be more than welcome.

Let's get this awesome initiative going!
Awesome stuff @TylerD - congrats on your appointment ;-)
I think you will make a superb PIF boss

One of the greatest things about this forum is the flow of kind gestures and the spirit. We can all be proud of that...
So I have noticed a few guys having some stuff they really don't use anymore, but it might not be a complete set to send to somebody.
I will also be collecting these things and put them together to make up some starter kits etc. to redistribute as part of the PIF project.
So, if anyone would like to donate any old clearos, coils, batteries or any kind vape related things, please let me know.
I think a good idea will be to collect these items at the various vape meets and then 1 person could maybe just send them through to me. I will clean check and put things together and redistribute to PIF candidates.
Any and I mean any vape related stuff will be appreciated.
You guys rock!

Gauteng guys, anything you would like to donate, you can give it to me at the Vape meet tomorrow.
That is an awesome idea, thank you, Sir.
Forumites, if you are in need of some equipment to make vaping better for you and keep you off the stinkies, but cannot afford it at this stage, please PM @TylerD, our PIF Boss. All PM correspondence, not just in this regard, are in confidence and may only be disclosed with the express permission (in a PM or on the open forum) of all the parties to a PM conversation.
If you know of someone in need, even if not a member yet, also PM our PIF Boss. Of course members have preference.
If you have vaping gear not in use, PM @TylerD, please.
Thanks you so much for all the PIF goodies I received at the vape meet. I'm not going to name the people, but you know who you are Mr. Guinnes, Mr. Too long feed pipe, Mr.Brass mod!
Thanks guys for making this initiative awesome!
Great going, PIF Boss. We shall do the same at our next Cape Vape Meet. I shall collect and post to you. This could end up costing you some in postage? But I do like the idea of a PIF kitty. Wonder if we should publish what is available in the PIF kitty? And the PIF list - gear forumites have PMed you about, which they have available at their homes to post to those in need?
Awesome, thanks @Matthee ! I can do a list of the items in my possession, no problem.
I will do one a bit later on. Just want to go through everything and see what full sets I can put together.
Awesome, thanks @Matthee ! I can do a list of the items in my possession, no problem.
I will do one a bit later on. Just want to go through everything and see what full sets I can put together.
Only if you agree. And maybe we should wait to hear if anyone else comments on the idea of publishing the list(s). There could be disadvantages we might have missed. I take it you have no gear on the PIF list, but only in the PIF kitty, of do you disagree on publishing the PIF list? Or maybe you draw no distinction?
Only if you agree. And maybe we should wait to hear if anyone else comments on the idea of publishing the list(s). There could be disadvantages we might have missed. I take it you have no gear on the PIF list, but only in the PIF kitty, of do you disagree on publishing the PIF list? Or maybe you draw no distinction?

I like the idea of publishing a list... there may be something that someone has always wanted and can't afford or something and they will see it and that may jog them into asking for it.

I would also like to see requests (anonymously via @devdev if need be) with a story behind them. That will jog people to give as well.
I just feel that there might be someone getting on to the forum just to get free stuff, even if they can actually just get it themselves to try it out. Maybe we should get a small PIF comity together to call the shots and to whom I get give the list of items? Then there will be more eyes on the forum that can see the needs of other fellow vapers? Your thoughts?
Yeah - I agree fully. Committee provides more eyes, and also removes personal emotions.

One thing I will say, is the PIF donor may have identified an individual in mind for that specific item, or they may hand it to PIF boss without a specific person in mind. I feel specific donations made by someone for someone must be honoured.

General donations should be determined by the committee.

I am happy to be the anonymous mole/rat/badger who receives requests for PIF
I like the idea of publishing a list... there may be something that someone has always wanted and can't afford or something and they will see it and that may jog them into asking for it.

I would also like to see requests (anonymously via @devdev if need be) with a story behind them. That will jog people to give as well.
Presume you mean @TylerD? Publishing should be between giver and taker. The PIF Boss is a middle man under an oath of utmost confidentiality. In the case of the PIF Kitty, the gear could lose the identity of the giver and the taker, only if he/she so chooses, can thank the forum and if the giver can identify the gear as coming from him/her could, if he/she so chooses, publish this fact. From our limited experience we have seen the stories published, which is good.
I just feel that there might be someone getting on to the forum just to get free stuff, even if they can actually just get it themselves to try it out. Maybe we should get a small PIF comity together to call the shots and to whom I get give the list of items? Then there will be more eyes on the forum that can see the needs of other fellow vapers? Your thoughts?
Yes, I think you are right. Publishing the list on the open forum could lead to abuse. So, let us scrap that idea. I have absolutely no problem if you call together a PM conversation group to be your eyes on the forum in addition to any needs pointed out to you either by someone in need or any forum member. And that you give a list to this group, as long as you do not disclose the identities of the givers if they have not given you explicit permission to do so.
A committee would make it easier to decide if the person requesting something is genuinely in need or just trying to score a freebie. And that would then retain the main concept of PIF.
It would also relieve the PIF boss of the pressure/stress of deciding who has the need.
One thing I will say, is the PIF donor may have identified an individual in mind for that specific item, or they may hand it to PIF boss without a specific person in mind. I feel specific donations made by someone for someone must be honoured.

General donations should be determined by the committee.

I am happy to be the anonymous mole/rat/badger who receives requests for PIF
I agree that specific requests must be honoured. Of course nothing prevents a member to do that directly - no need to use the forum system.
The committee I see as a helping hand for the PIF Boss.
@TylerD is the PIF Boss so all requests must go to him imo.
I will then get a PIF crew together. Thanks guys!
What do you guys think of putting a mod and atty in the taste boxes?
I will then get a PIF crew together. Thanks guys!
What do you guys think of putting a mod and atty in the taste boxes?
I think that will help guys just starting out and is a great idea

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I will then get a PIF crew together. Thanks guys!
What do you guys think of putting a mod and atty in the taste boxes?
When I saw @Metal Liz tasting all those juices in a twisp clearo, was thinking by myself that we are actually doing her a disservice. So, in principle, I think it is a great idea. But we must think through on practical implications. Maintenance, spare coils, breakage, will it really be used - thinking of the people on the taste box list Liz was probably an exception, etc. But if the Taste Box Boss thinks this all can be handled well, fine with me. Where will this mod and atty come from? If from the PIF system, that could be contrary to the giver's intent - so we must make sure he/she is ok with that.
Great idea for the taste box. Makes real sense.

Sent from my Nautilus filled with VM Menthol Ice.