The Finer Details of Dripping...


Sith Lord
So I have decided that it's time for me to try something new and dripping was the next logical step for me. When my money train comes in, I will end up with a 200w mod and a dripper. This is how it goes in my head, and was wondering if I was in for a bad time. For my first attempt I will build a dual 0.5ohm coil set-up. Once I have checked it all works fine, I'm assuming I simply whack that onto my mod, start off at about 50 watts, drip some extra liquid onto my cotton, fire and suck up the pressumed goodness, and then climb the watts as required.

My question is, will doing the above end up poorly for me? Or do I have the general gist of it all?
So an update on how this all went! It's as simple as you all said it would be. I must say the flavour is great with the dripping I did compared to tanks. But the hassle of doing it is just not worth it. I also seem to be real messy with eliquid, and my wife is complaining about our kitchen-roll consumption, so dripping full time is out the window.

It is nice for testing my DIY stuff though! Works exactly how I imagined it. That is, until I tried a honey creation for the first time (which really doesn't agree with my tongue), and that stuff pretty much lives in that cotton now, so had to re-wick after that.

Thanks for the help guys, once again, ECIGSSA community = :h:
Whats putting you off it @Stosta?. Is it just the mess or is it also having to constantly drip ?

I found that the Scottish Roll wicking method helps on both fronts , the thicker cotton seems to absorb most of the liquid so less mess & I get around 20+ hits before having to drip again , granted the flavour diminishes quite a bit past 10 puffs. I use a 3.5mm ID so theres extra cotton (bad for airflow though)

Personally I still prefer a good RTA over a dripper. For clouds the dripper wins hands down . Flavour wise......meh , hasn't really rocked my world
Whats putting you off it @Stosta?. Is it just the mess or is it also having to constantly drip ?

I found that the Scottish Roll wicking method helps on both fronts , the thicker cotton seems to absorb most of the liquid so less mess & I get around 20+ hits before having to drip again , granted the flavour diminishes quite a bit past 10 puffs. I use a 3.5mm ID so theres extra cotton (bad for airflow though)

Personally I still prefer a good RTA over a dripper. For clouds the dripper wins hands down . Flavour wise......meh , hasn't really rocked my world
A bit of both really. To carry around my mod, as well as a little bottle of liquid is really a bit much (too much to carry, and messy!).

I like it when I'm at home in front of my PC, that's fine, so I suppose its the hassle of mobility that's stopping me!
Basically, almost, yes..
And then one day you discover the Scottish Roll wicking technique, and save some time, effort and a lot of teary-eyed blurred vision from dry hits ;)

Big thanks for these links bud. I'm new to dripping and I was expecting more flavour and vapour from it but so far my TFV4 with Dual RBA has better flavour and vapour is denser. Hoping it's my wicking method and the scottish roll method will help.

Current build on a Velocity V2 (must be a clone as there's no authentic V2)
5wrap 24g Kanthal 0.2ohm @ 45W
Vape is warm and the flavour is there but using the same juice in my TFV4 just has better flavour on inhale and better after tones on exhale.
I was expecting it to be the other way round :'(
So an update on how this all went! It's as simple as you all said it would be. I must say the flavour is great with the dripping I did compared to tanks. But the hassle of doing it is just not worth it. I also seem to be real messy with eliquid, and my wife is complaining about our kitchen-roll consumption, so dripping full time is out the window.

It is nice for testing my DIY stuff though! Works exactly how I imagined it. That is, until I tried a honey creation for the first time (which really doesn't agree with my tongue), and that stuff pretty much lives in that cotton now, so had to re-wick after that.

Thanks for the help guys, once again, ECIGSSA community = :h:

Dude, I watched a video recently - were the dude said to taste DIY liquid you don't even need cotton. Just put the liquid directly on the coils. This works best with claptons btw. I did it myself and it is true it works like a charm, just for tasting. Not for full time vaping of course - I assume this would just end badly if done more than just tasting.
Dude, I watched a video recently - were the dude said to taste DIY liquid you don't even need cotton. Just put the liquid directly on the coils. This works best with claptons btw. I did it myself and it is true it works like a charm, just for tasting. Not for full time vaping of course - I assume this would just end badly if done more than just tasting.
Cool! Certainly worth a shot! Then I won't have to worry about the taste staying on the cotton!
Maybe a little OT but it does kind of fit the theme.

I'm new to dripping and so far it's not quite what I expected. I feel like I left the club with a chick with huge knockers, only to get home and find she stuffs her bra :(

I bought a Velocity V2 through the classifieds and was super eager to get home on Tuesday and have a drip. Tested a few juices out and they seemed to be lacking in flavour. Tried some Gush, which I'd just picked up on Monday, in it and flavour was okay. Dripped more in case there wasn't enough juice on those coils. No change. Rewicked with less cotton. No change. Increased wattage up to 55W and the flavour was bit more pronounced. Anything over that just burnt my lip with no further increase in flavour.

Rewick te dual deck on my TFV4. Top up half a tank of Gush. Let it settle for 5 min. 1st took me by surprise it tasted so much different from the dripper. Flavour was way more pronounced. It was almost like a different juice in my TFV4. Now I don't know enough about dripping but surely this isn't how it's supposed to be. Surely the dripper should be leaps and bounds ahead of the TFV4 - its a tank and the Velo is a dripper for crikes sake :banghead:
Maybe a little OT but it does kind of fit the theme.

I'm new to dripping and so far it's not quite what I expected. I feel like I left the club with a chick with huge knockers, only to get home and find she stuffs her bra :(

I bought a Velocity V2 through the classifieds and was super eager to get home on Tuesday and have a drip. Tested a few juices out and they seemed to be lacking in flavour. Tried some Gush, which I'd just picked up on Monday, in it and flavour was okay. Dripped more in case there wasn't enough juice on those coils. No change. Rewicked with less cotton. No change. Increased wattage up to 55W and the flavour was bit more pronounced. Anything over that just burnt my lip with no further increase in flavour.

Rewick te dual deck on my TFV4. Top up half a tank of Gush. Let it settle for 5 min. 1st took me by surprise it tasted so much different from the dripper. Flavour was way more pronounced. It was almost like a different juice in my TFV4. Now I don't know enough about dripping but surely this isn't how it's supposed to be. Surely the dripper should be leaps and bounds ahead of the TFV4 - its a tank and the Velo is a dripper for crikes sake :banghead:

Why don't you post a photo of your velocity build, perhaps I can offer some advice.
Why don't you post a photo of your velocity build, perhaps I can offer some advice.
THIS! Is why I love this community :inlove:
I'm at work right now finishing off at 17.30 I will post as soon as I get home. I got the scottish roll as my fall back.

PS: You don't think it could be because the Velocity V2 is a clone do you?
THIS! Is why I love this community :inlove:
I'm at work right now finishing off at 17.30 I will post as soon as I get home. I got the scottish roll as my fall back.

PS: You don't think it could be because the Velocity V2 is a clone do you?

The airflow is one of the main variable to affect flavour, you should begin by closing down the air vents nearly all the way.
a useful little tid bit of info.

Try to avoid letting your wick touch the barrel of the RDA, most reviewers and stuff just say to avoid it without explaining why. Far as I can tell, it dramatically helps in lessening the heat build up on the atty.

Cooler atty means less chance of any damage coming to your mod as a result of heat soak.

The airflow is one of the main variable to affect flavour, you should begin by closing down the air vents nearly all the way.
Here's a pic of the last wicking I tried last night. The first wicking had more cotton. Here I tried the less is more approach with the same results.
Also read that a drip tip increased flavour so I stuck 1 on but no change.
Airflow is around half way with the top air vents closed completely.uploadfromtaptalk1454515285485.jpguploadfromtaptalk1454515290691.jpguploadfromtaptalk1454515293410.jpg

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@Greys, that velocity V2 is totally not what I was expecting. I was visualizing the Velocity mini. :eek: I see that thing has bottom airflow, I'm not a fan. The proper velocity RDA is a beast.
@Greys, that velocity V2 is totally not what I was expecting. I was visualizing the Velocity mini. :eek: I see that thing has bottom airflow, I'm not a fan. The proper velocity RDA is a beast.

I agree, i generally find that bottom airflow drippers tend to be more hassle than the slight improvement in flavour is worth.
@Greys, that velocity V2 is totally not what I was expecting. I was visualizing the Velocity mini. :eek: I see that thing has bottom airflow, I'm not a fan. The proper velocity RDA is a beast.
Yeah I didn't know it was clone and neither. Found out there is only 2 Velocity dripper, the original and the mini. There is no Velocity V2 just some company borrowing the name and slapping V2 at the end then riding on the reputation of the original.

That said is there any hope for me? Or should I just buy a Fishbone Plus?

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Yeah I didn't know it was clone and neither. Found out there is only 2 Velocity dripper, the original and the mini. There is no Velocity V2 just some company borrowing the name and slapping V2 at the end then riding on the reputation of the original.

That said is there any hope for me? Or should I just buy a Fishbone Plus?

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Just keep an eye on the classifieds for a good secondhand RDA. I can't comment on your current rda, because I've never tried it, I'm sure someone else can give an opinion though. Of all the RDA's I've owned or tried I can recommend any of these.

And if it's for a squonker, then the Nuppin or RM2 are my choice.
Just keep an eye on the classifieds for a good secondhand RDA. I can't comment on your current rda, because I've never tried it, I'm sure someone else can give an opinion though. Of all the RDA's I've owned or tried I can recommend any of these.

And if it's for a squonker, then the Nuppin or RM2 are my choice.
I'm busy trying it now with the bottom air vents quarter way open with the top air vents full. The budget vapes fizzy cola is really going down well actually :)

But then again this is 1 of my top 3 fave juices. I could vape it all day

I'm using it on a rx.

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I love the whole building process. Coiled up, the juice always comes through true to its claim, when using a dripper.

Loving my latest Velocity clone dripper. So easy to build. With a Sigelei 90w. It takes time to appreciate dripping. I have made some big mistakes, but getting there. ..

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
I love the whole building process. Coiled up, the juice always comes through true to its claim, when using a dripper.

Loving my latest Velocity clone dripper. So easy to build. With a Sigelei 90w. It takes time to appreciate dripping. I have made some big mistakes, but getting there. ..

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
I'm going to take your advise thanks. Get another dripper and start from scratch. Take my time.
I also enjoy the whole coiling and wicking. It's like a rolling my own cigarette ritual kind of thing.
I'm not going give up on dripping just yet ;)

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I run my velocity mini with dual contact 9 wrap 24g ss316l coils. Came out at 0.17ohm with wicking fairly packed.

I can run as low as 45w and have great flavour but I prefer warmer vapes so at 75w it just leaves the mouth watering.

What I could recommend in that velocity v2, use calptons instead. The airflow is there but might not be hitting the coil directly which seems to dilute flavour a little.

The sapor did really well with vertical coils and the top airflow. The amount of good puffs depends on your wicking really.

Patience is key though, play with coil sizes and placing. Using a large coil diameter also changes flavour. 3mm for me is nice but then I prefer having Clapton wire.

Also move the height of the coils in line with the air holes to find where you get the most direct air hitting the coil. It worked very well for me again.

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
I run my velocity mini with dual contact 9 wrap 24g ss316l coils. Came out at 0.17ohm with wicking fairly packed.

I can run as low as 45w and have great flavour but I prefer warmer vapes so at 75w it just leaves the mouth watering.

What I could recommend in that velocity v2, use calptons instead. The airflow is there but might not be hitting the coil directly which seems to dilute flavour a little.

The sapor did really well with vertical coils and the top airflow. The amount of good puffs depends on your wicking really.

Patience is key though, play with coil sizes and placing. Using a large coil diameter also changes flavour. 3mm for me is nice but then I prefer having Clapton wire.

Also move the height of the coils in line with the air holes to find where you get the most direct air hitting the coil. It worked very well for me again.

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Thanks I'll get me some Clapton this weekend and give that a go. Shot for the advise, it will really help.

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The big thing is that the dripper has nothing to breakdown air flow so you just need to get build for your rda. Also try building for flavour so use a 2.5mm diameter in the coil. I like having more coil wraps so that there is more of the coil to be hit by the air.

Will see if I can find some photos of builds in that rda.

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
So I have decided that it's time for me to try something new and dripping was the next logical step for me. When my money train comes in, I will end up with a 200w mod and a dripper. This is how it goes in my head, and was wondering if I was in for a bad time. For my first attempt I will build a dual 0.5ohm coil set-up. Once I have checked it all works fine, I'm assuming I simply whack that onto my mod, start off at about 50 watts, drip some extra liquid onto my cotton, fire and suck up the pressumed goodness, and then climb the watts as required.

My question is, will doing the above end up poorly for me? Or do I have the general gist of it all?
Depending on the build you can get a fine vape at even 25 or so watts,I'm a dripping junkie and iI'd say my average wattage is around 30-40 watts and my builds are in the .35 t0 .80 range.You needn't super sub ohm to get a great dripping experience.Be safe,experiment and have fun.
With my Double Vision RDA with proper wicking I can put in 30+ drops without over saturation and spitback and the flavor on this thing is epic! It gives my Pollux a good run for it's
Double Vision eh?
So an update on how this all went! It's as simple as you all said it would be. I must say the flavour is great with the dripping I did compared to tanks. But the hassle of doing it is just not worth it. I also seem to be real messy with eliquid, and my wife is complaining about our kitchen-roll consumption, so dripping full time is out the window.

It is nice for testing my DIY stuff though! Works exactly how I imagined it. That is, until I tried a honey creation for the first time (which really doesn't agree with my tongue), and that stuff pretty much lives in that cotton now, so had to re-wick after that.

Thanks for the help guys, once again, ECIGSSA community = :h:
When I first started dripping I asked myself "what's all the fuss?' Why would one want to drip for when I have a perfectly good tank? Well 14 mods and 30 RDAs latter the only time I don't drip is while driving.Watch some videos experiment w/ builds and wicking and you just may feel differently about it down the line.