Update to the SAPO strike (Important Warning)

Hehe. That my you youngest daughter. Handling get vape mail while I'm at sea. ;-)
Ps there could well be a fine when I get back. :)

Sent from my REO filled with VM Menthol Ice with a drop of coconut!
She's beautiful Rob! No doubt that she probably got her looks from her mothers side.....
I'll take the fine, just thought I'd have a dig at you :p
so i got a reply too - funny that my parcels left USA 64 days ago , 33 days ago ,5 days ago ... !!!

Good day,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Kindly note these parcels are not yet in the country

New link to trace domestic items/numbers:


Kind regards,

National Contact Centre

S.A Post Office

Share Call number = 0860 111 502

Do not reply to this e-mail, kindly send your e-mail to customer.services@postoffice.co.za
2014/10/09 12:22
In transitDURMAIL (HUB)

2014/11/14 12:10
Mine is in transit Pta Mail center for 4 days already....
It's either a very slow truck, broken system or bad staff
Haha, I wonder how many hits the Track & Trace sites are getting from users on this forum...must be a record number :p

I personally contribute quite a bit :rock:
another risk with those delays if you ordered juice....the shelf life might be exceeded :eek:

well...i just stick top my opinion, this strike is beyond human understanding. Crippling the economy, bringing the Rand down....no win for anyone, including the strikers.
IMHO people who strike are not looking past their own noses and quite frankly are cutting their nose to spite their face
i cant get a local tracking number for none of my parcels :(
I don't know why they don't just send out all the un-tracked mail first. I would assume there's way less work involved and it would go a long way in clearing the piles of mail lying around.
It's going to take as long to get them moving on anyway. Most parcels are tracked on their side irrespective, not to mention why should low cost services be prioritised over high cost ones?
You can hardly call it prioritizing the service at this stage... it's more like prioritizing the clearing of mail out of the warehouses so that people at least get some mail as a step to save the post office from complete collapse.

I'm pretty sure atm they are prioritizing the packages that people on hellopeter etc are complaining about, searching through the piles to find them, but surely sorting un-tracked mail would yield a higher number of cleared packages per day?
You can hardly call it prioritizing the service at this stage... it's more like prioritizing the clearing of mail out of the warehouses so that people at least get some mail as a step to save the post office from complete collapse.

I'm pretty sure atm they are prioritizing the packages that people on hellopeter etc are complaining about, searching through the piles to find them, but surely sorting un-tracked mail would yield a higher number of cleared packages per day.
Clearing of mail should be done on a FIFO (First In First Out) basis as those who have ordered just before the strike have been waiting the longest to receive their mail.
I'd be very surprised if that'd be the case.

Again, "un-tracked" is still tracked in ways by the post office.
I'd be very surprised if that'd be the case.

Again, "un-tracked" is still tracked in ways by the post office.

Agreed, FIFO is definitely not possible at this stage.

And I'm pretty sure it's not tracked in any way, since there are no bar-codes or marks of any kind on envelopes received from overseas except for the postage stamps...
The amount of parcels which arrive like that make for a very small percentage of the parcels coming into the country.

Oh gosh, I'm talking about international mail - far bigger issues there I believe..
I've send 2 parcels, I think 1'st week of July (with tracking no's) to two members, @kimbo and another guy (can't remember who) - I doubt if they will ever get it.
The amount of parcels which arrive like that make for a very small percentage of the parcels coming into the country.

Oh gosh, I'm talking about international mail - far bigger issues there I believe..

Most of my ebay parcels are like that... :/