What's in your hand right now?


It’s been a while. Amazing how a couple of weeks’ leave can turn into a two month backlog, but it’s been frantic. More of a table check, but here’s what I’m using most frequently at the moment. That little eLeaf Ikonn was entirely unexpected and it’s great. Last one in the store and set me back an entire R200! C-cell coils fit, so there’s plenty of life left in it.
Glad to have some time to show face.
Should I use a complex coil or some round wire?
2.5MM ID or 3MM ID, I'm not getting super great flavour from this Atty, I've heard great stuff about it but not getting the hype
I’m using a hell a 2.5mm ID hellvape MTL Clapton coil at 1.8 Ohm and the flavour is excellent... I didn’t try a simple round wire in it but I’m quite optimistic I’ll get a similar performance with it.
Strangers Minuta Dicodes with Black Dvarw DL!
Wow that black dwarv looks amazing who did it for you Uncle @Rob Fisher?