What's in your hand right now?

Some JoyeTech Tobaco 16Mg VG mixed with a spot of 0Mg Cherry VG Dragon juice in a Kayfun 1.8ohm on the eVic at 9.2 Watts... dreaming of the special juice i have in transit from MT Baker

EDIT: Some info on this setup. Kayfun lite on top of a Smok® Magneto in 350 mode, which is the only mode this mech should be vaped in. Drip tip is from the Kayfun clear nano set. Unfortunately it lasted about 3 days and the bottom of the tip broke off.
Why do you have an ashtray next to your setup there?
0.3 parallel coil in 3D dripper powered by Nemi and Evest 35A 2500 mAh battery.

So much niceness!

2014-08-19 14.55.31.jpg
Loving the Kayfun clone on my eVic supreme. Can't seem to give any of my other tanks a chance since the Kayfun
In my hand now, a blast from the past - my beloved EVOD clearo. Dropped my full MPT3

I just popped in a new coil and filled it. I'm an ass.

At least this is the first time I've used a EVOD clearo with Sade my Spinner. I'm actually a little stunned.

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Loving the Kayfun clone on my eVic supreme. Can't seem to give any of my other tanks a chance since the Kayfun

I shouldn't be this attracted to a gadget, should I!
That's stunning.
VK vanilla cream with a dash of VK bubblegum


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Dripping Elvis' Breakfast in the Igo-L with a simple 1.4 ohm single coil on the blood sucking Maraxus. @ShaneW I can't thank you enough man, I'm loving this thing!

@Tristan this juice is a winner! Epic!


side note..... don't think you are strong enough to hold onto the top cap when drilling your air hole out with a handheld power drill, fingers bleed, a lot!
Dripping Elvis' Breakfast in the Igo-L with a simple 1.4 ohm single coil on the blood sucking Maraxus. @ShaneW I can't thank you enough man, I'm loving this thing!

@Tristan this juice is a winner! Epic!

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side note..... don't think you are strong enough to hold onto the top cap when drilling your air hole out with a handheld power drill, fingers bleed, a lot!

Hahaha, glad you enjoying it.
I see the battle scars on your finger :D