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Two handed vaping

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Two handed vaping

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Seeing as you have new toys and probably don't mind playing around... can I requests a shot of the Entheon on the Therion without the beauty ring? :p
Strawberries and icing sugar

Skyline lurking in the background

I like strawberries!

Both BBs in commission now. First solo build on iPanther Exocet - surprisingly easy and still smooth one and a half tanks later. Another toy ticked @Silver


Tails maybe a bit long, but as @TheV said: it is very forgiving


Sent by iDad from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Both BBs in commission now. First solo build on iPanther Exocet - surprisingly easy and still smooth one and a half tanks later. Another toy ticked @Silver


Tails maybe a bit long, but as @TheV said: it is very forgiving


Sent by iDad from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well done man! I still have to do my first solo rebuild at some point... hoping it goes as smoothly as yours :)
Both BBs in commission now. First solo build on iPanther Exocet - surprisingly easy and still smooth one and a half tanks later. Another toy ticked @Silver


Tails maybe a bit long, but as @TheV said: it is very forgiving


Sent by iDad from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That purple bb stil needs a name. Almost like an Ultron, bit then i remembered you like female heros. So search continues
Testing another of these starter kits... this is the Phix that a lot of people were using in Paris... it's a simple pop in pod like the Twisp Cue... well made and the spearmint mod was quite nice... but I prefer my Cue.
Phix 001.JPG Phix 002.JPG Phix 003.JPG