And so it was writ...

"Load shedding exposes cracks at Eskom ... "

Really? How would one see the cracks in the dark?
@RainstormZA said, "then you may definitely like the one I made"

may definitely? Do you write contracts by any chance, because you sure know how to cover all the options! ;)
You deserve a Dislike for both pics - utterly gross, but the dog one is really disturbing! The dog looks so distressed and by 'distressed' I'm referring to an emotion, not a paint effect!
Its a Labby, that's just the way they look. LOL.

@Christos, Must say I also find the chicken skin one rather foul.

@Silver said, "There are a lot of experts here" and I replied, "We were all pert at some stage, but with age we've become ex-pert."

@Silver That method to quote someone works within the same thread, but how to paste it into another thread? That doesn't seem to work. e.g. In this thread I wanted to quote your There are a lot of experts here, which is in the Introduce Yourselved thread.