Protank Performing badly suddenly

Someone give me a mail addy Ill mail it and then can said person upload? Cant upload from work
Sent a mail. Think I should maybe do a tank coil rebuild tutorial. I rebuild with cotton and it vapes oh so nice
here is the pic


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Very disappointed with the Protank 2. Just received 2 tanks and 30 coils from FT and had to revert back to my old trusted ViviNova. What a waste of money.
No taste whatsoever. Plumes of vapour though.
Tried it on my SVD and LavaTube and both tasted like vaping newspaper.
Very disappointed with the Protank 2. Just received 2 tanks and 30 coils from FT and had to revert back to my old trusted ViviNova. What a waste of money.
No taste whatsoever. Plumes of vapour though.
Tried it on my SVD and LavaTube and both tasted like vaping newspaper.

hi johnny, did u manage to give the coils a quick wash before vaping on them?

i usually dont do it, but i heard its recommended.

maybe that could salvage your purchase?
Hi all

Sorry to hear about all your Protank issues.

I have been using my PT2 Maxi and Mini for about 5 weeks now. Have changed coils only once. I don't have any of the problems you are talking about. It's as if you're talking about a totally different tank.

I can taste the flavour and they both vape well. At least that's how it seems to me, given I have no experience with other devices.

My only issues are that occasionally, (probably about once every 2 days or so), I get a little bit of fluid in my mouth, but it disappears. The other thing i find is that on the Mini, unscrewing the base to refill it can be quite challenging sometimes because I can't grip it. Doesn't have a knurled finish like the Maxi PT2.

Do you think some of you have so called "fakes" or perhaps just a Kanger quality control issue?
hi johnny, did u manage to give the coils a quick wash before vaping on them?

i usually dont do it, but i heard its recommended.

maybe that could salvage your purchase?
I've learnt to dry burn and boil new coils. Some are fine and others taste like s......... sometimes it took a tank or 2 before the thing started tasting good. So anything I buy or build gets boiled.
I've never dry burned my Std coils and have never gotten a strange taste from them.

Perhaps its that I have only replaced coils once, so have only tried 4 so far in total ;-)
Actually, I did change coils once more for some new juices I tried - so I've used 6 coils in total.

My sample size is probably too small... but so far, haven't had a problem.
when i bought my PT a few months ago, it came with two coils.

ive been using the same coils all this time- rotating between the two.

never got a burnt taste or anything.

i clean them out and dry burn every so once in a while.

i have never changed the wick either.

this is all about to change once my igol arrives :)
I've only had bad tasting ones twice but that was enough to make me take precautions lol. Nothing worse swopping out a coil on the go and getting that bad taste the rest of the day on my fav liquid at the time!
Never had any big problems with the PT, except for a bit of gurgling and leakage out of the center pin once in a while but this is usually when it gets below a third full, this also causes it to produce less vapor as the connection to the battery gets wet (this can make the draw feel very tight as well and increase the chance of liquid coming up through the centre post). Unscrewing the tank and drying the connection points usually solves the problem. I tend to rebuild the coils just because it's cheaper. 5 wraps 0.16 Nichrome around 4 mm silica (I fold the wick double then wrap it) usually gives a pretty good vape.
did anyone ever try using cotton in the PT?
ive been using cotton in my protank rebuilds for the last month now and i love it. so easy to replace the cotton. i have had times when i get that dry hit but only when i've chain vaped too much or used too little cotton so it dries out too quick. i still get leaks onto the center pin with the protank so i always carry some tissue paper in my pocket.
ive been using cotton in my protank rebuilds for the last month now and i love it. so easy to replace the cotton. i have had times when i get that dry hit but only when i've chain vaped too much or used too little cotton so it dries out too quick. i still get leaks onto the center pin with the protank so i always carry some tissue paper in my pocket.

do u still use something as a flavor wick or just use the cotton?

do u by any chance have a pic of what it looks like?

or perhaps take a pic for me pls?
my cell camera does not take decent close up pics, never missed the macro function so much until now. i sometimes use a bit of cotton as flavour wick sometimes not, depends on how the new coil vapes. also just dug through my diy coil making kit i take to work and there's no torch or lighter. can't nuke the kanthal without it and i so wanted to try a dual coil build for my aga t2 today. sigh
my cell camera does not take decent close up pics, never missed the macro function so much until now. i sometimes use a bit of cotton as flavour wick sometimes not, depends on how the new coil vapes. also just dug through my diy coil making kit i take to work and there's no torch or lighter. can't nuke the kanthal without it and i so wanted to try a dual coil build for my aga t2 today. sigh
I never nuke the Kanthal beforehand, just pulse torch with the K100 after fitment on the atomizer. Below 28g I have, however, found nuking beforehand is of help.
torching the coil i mainly use when i'm trying to do a microcoil as it helps keeps the wraps together. dug out an old cig lighter from my cars cubby and made a quick 5 wrap 30 gauge kanthal a1 over a 2mm drillbit. should be around 1.2 ohms i'm guestimating. rolled some cotton between my fingers and inserted it through the wraps. voila, one brand new working cotton wicked coil for my protank. after a few vapes i did get a slight burn taste because the coils were drying the cotton too quick so i added another small piece of cotton for the flavour wick. it's just there to keep the coils cotton from burning. works a charm. my only hassle in making coils for the protank is getting that little rubber grommit in properly. it is a major pain in the bum. rest is easy peasy lemon squeesy
It seems to be in the percentage PG to VG. I Googled it and found that Protank 2 needs more PG than VG otherwise it tastes bland.
Normally I mix my juice to 70% VG and 30% PG so I swung it around to 70% PG and 30% VG.
Great improvement and pleasantly surprised that the amount of vapor is the same with less VG. Still not as good as the ViviNova or CE 5. I think 80/20 might do it or perhaps adding another 10 drops of menthol to the 20 I put in the 30 ml bottle.
An update. After reading up more, I read this:
Do NOT dry burn as the tiny wick gets burned and the burned taste will always stay there.
Now for the drum-roll......... On the Coil Head, turn the silicon tube around. This allows more space for the juice to flow into the coil chamber. Quite logical when you look at it afterwards. Less flow dries out the coil rather quickly while dragging giving the bad taste.

Since doing that, I can vape at higher than 4.5w right up to 7w without getting a burned taste. I had a forgotten what a TH was till now.
I give this 3 thumbs up.

:) :) :)
Found out today that the older PT2 coils had a longer silicone tube that squeezed against the wick and restricted the juice flow onto the coil. This caused a dry vape. The fix was to turn the tube around but over time the stress on the tube contorted it and made it leak. Mine tore and leaked big time.
The new coils have a shorter silicone tube that does not reach the wick to squeeze it closed.
I'm using Protank 2 - both the Maxi and Mini one. Haven't noticed anything bad going on. Am using the original coils that came with it, some extra coils I bought for it from eCiggies and some extra coils from SkyBlueVaping.

On the heads I've looked at closely, my silicone tube does go down to the wicks. It doesnt squeeze them as such, but just reaches the top of the wicks. I haven't altered the wicks or removed any of them. Just using them as they come.

I don't notice anything bad going on. The occasional gurgle and sometimes I get some liquid in the mouthpiece. But not often. Taste seems good, vapour good, throat hit is ok. But then again, I don't have anything to compare it to.

Maybe I should try turn around the rubber stopper to see what happens - on a coil thats due for a change.
When I got the gurgling, I used another rubber and placed it upside down onto the old one.

Worked like a charm